Use It or Lose It

Most of my juice and smoothie concoctions aren’t really from recipes, but born out of necessity to use up my produce before it gets wasted.  Cleaning out the fridge this morning, I pulled out everything that needed to get used up fast and came across this fantastic medley for a green juice:

  • Kale.  Originally intended for a Mediterranean salad.
  • Kale Stems.  Leftover from my last kale salad.
  • Celery.  Leftover from my last batch of Igor’s Live Flat Bread.
  • Spinach.  Just a tiny handful still good.  I usually keep large container full as a base for green smoothies.
  • Collards.  Actually, just one, perfect leaf.  I saved it yesterday from the juicer to make a wrap.
  • Green Apples.  I was about to juice the entire bag, but then we (especially the kids) would drink it all in less than a day.  I need to get out to the orchards before the season has ended.
  • Jalapeño.  1/2 leftover from ???  Seeds removed.

Juiced and combined it made a drink so energetic my head buzzed – in a pleasing way.  The flavor was nice, but perhaps a little salty, and the jalapeño didn’t come through much.  If this wasn’t a fridge cleanup project, I would have left out the spinach and collard.  Add cilantro.  Substitute cucumber for the celery.  And juice an entire jalapeño, seeds and all.

Ultimately, this served as both breakfast and lunch and I feel satiated and energetic.


Farm Weekend

My family spent this last weekend in the country to enjoy some free-range living.  I love that my four-year-old can run in and outside at will, chase chickens (who are always free range), romp with the goats, play with sticks, rocks, mud, turtles and easily find willing accomplices for his adventures.  An adventure could be as simple as tumbling down piles of dirt or as complex as divvying up popcorn to “sell” while watching Ghost Busters in the barn.

My twelve-year-old, well, she’s happy to read, write and gab with her girlfriend.  She’s suspicious of any effort on my part to get her outside, so when I saw this beautifully, sculpted bird blind I practically had to pick her up and drag her out to see it.  This nest is the perfect place to spend an hour or two contemplating the characters and plot of her next story.  I’m not sure she agrees, she was too anxious to find her friend.  Perhaps I should reserve it for my own stories, if the kids forget where to find it.

Bird blind built by John Seaman.  See more photos here.

Like many urban dwellers, I was excited to get out of town to see some color.  That big old evergreen is thinking, “Yeah Red, think you’re hot now?  Just wait a month, ha!”

With this parked on the property, I had a hard time keeping it raw this weekend.  It’s a Studebaker turned wood-fired, pizza oven called Rolling Stonebaker.  Being such a word nerd, their word play is just about as fabulous as the pizza.  If it was me in line to put in our order, I would have seen their mouth watering, gluten-free, heirloom tomato salad pizza or their veggie marinara with roasted garlic, artichoke hears, baby bella mushrooms, red onion and basil.  Should’of, would’of, could’of.  Instead, George ordered up a plain cheese (for a super picky 4yo), a Margherita (for a somewhat picky 12yo) and a pepperoni (for papa).  I might have sampled a bit of each.

I’d like to say that with all my walks, jogs and hikes over the weekend that I’ve earned the privilege to eat whatever I darn well please.  However, my focus on food these days isn’t as much about counting calories in and energy expenditure out as it is about choosing to eat food that makes me feel vibrant.  How I feel the day after indulging in pizza and cupcakes reminds me of waking up with a hangover.  I’d like to say that with all my walks, jogs and hikes over the weekend that I’ve earned the privilege to eat whatever I darn well please.  However, my focus on food these days isn’t as much about counting calories in and energy expenditure out as it is about choosing to eat food that makes me feel vibrant.  How I feel the day after indulging in pizza and cupcakes reminds me of waking up with a hangover.  It also reminds me of keeping my food choices in perspective, my activity in balance and keeping my thoughts in the present.

We all returned to the city a little bedraggled, picking cobwebs from our hair and mud from our boots – glad to find our beds, and me happy to find my greens didn’t turn.  Today was a juicing day for recovery.


This is my favorite photo from one of my runs last week.  Taken last Thursday, it was cloudy and ferociously windy in Chicago, but still warm.  I was overdressed.  So hard to call these things.  I’m still a newb (or nube?) as my tween would say.  Running along the lake was a challenge.  That didn’t seem to stop these lovers, nestled together under their blanket, enjoying the afternoon together.  Beautiful.

Mainlining Nutrition

Today I neglected breakfast before the morning run to school and chiropractor.  I couldn’t wait to get home and toss a few things into my blender.  Drinking a green smoothie for breakfast is almost like mainlining nutrition and breakfast couldn’t be easier.

Toss a handful of spinach, 1 Fuji apple, 1 Asian pear, a finger of ginger, and water.  Blend, pour and slurp loudly.  Oh, and wipe off that foam mustache.

Garden Comfort Soup

This easy peasy raw soup is one of my go-to’s for a quick lunch.  Served with a side of flax crackers, it is filling enough to last the day.  I was feeling a little blue today, so its warm, creaminess made me think of comfort food.

Inspired originally from the soups in Jennifer Cornbleet’s, Raw Food Made Easy, I alter this recipe just about every time I make it.  Today, I had a zucchini and red bell pepper that needed to be used up.  Other times I’ve put a heavy dose of fresh garlic and a smattering of herbs – whatever I have on hand.  What is always consistent for a good raw soup base is a nice, ripe avocado, fresh squeezed lemon juice, miso, and whatever yummy veggies I happen to have on hand.

Eat. Share. Love.

Garden Comfort Soup

Serves 2
Prep time 15 minutes
Dietary Diabetic, Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Meal type Lunch, Side Dish, Soup
Misc Serve Cold, Serve Hot
Quick and easy Garden Comfort Soup. Perfect for a rainy day.


  • 1 Zucchini (Chopped)
  • 1 Stalk Celery (Chopped)
  • 1 Avocado (Chopped)
  • 1/2 Red Bell Pepper (Chopped)
  • 1 tablespoon Lemon Juice (Fresh Squeezed)
  • 1 teaspoon Miso Paste
  • 1 dash Salt
  • 1 dash Ceyenne Pepper
  • 1/2 cup Water (or more for desired consistency.)


Enjoy this delicious soup warm or cold.  To heat, place bowl of soup in bottom of dehydrator for about 30 minutes, or heat gently over the stove for a few minutes.



Step 1
Throw everything into the Vita Mix or other high speed blender. Blend.
Step 2
Add more water for desired consistency.
Step 3
Serve immediately.

Desperate Theft

I stopped in my local grocery store to pick up “just” an avocado, with big plans on making a raw soup today.  Never have I been able to stick to that one thing I had in mind.  The basil looked beautiful and had me thinking of pesto.  Cucumbers and apples disappear quickly in my house, so I bought a bunch of each.  And those Asian pears, yum.  I picked up two.  A fresh, baked loaf of French bread always brings on a big hug from my tween, so I couldn’t resist.  Before getting to the checkout counter, I had to hoist my overfull shopping basket on my hip so I wouldn’t dislocate a shoulder.  I was physically conscious of my tendency to over shop.

At the same time, just outside the entrance, a small drama was quickly escalating.  A woman stopped for shoplifting was trying desperately to get away.  In an instant at least ten, large men were on her, blocking her escape.  The cashier greeted me with excessive cheer, “how are you today?  Did you find everything all right?”  Blip, blip, blip, “Ma’am, do you know if these are collards or kale?” As she rang up my items, I saw the shoplifter being ushered into an office.  The employees dispersed exclaiming loudly about how much food she managed to stuff in her backpack.  I swiped my debit card, punched in my code to complete my sale.  “Thanks for shopping {here}.  You have a nice day.”  I dashed out with my heavy bags, stuffed with food.

I got home and the contents of my shopping experience spilled out onto my kitchen counter.  I usually look at a counter full of fresh fruits and vegetables with delight, imagining all the possible things to make and eat.  Marveling at the abundance of all that good food.  Not today.  My chest was heavy and my throat tight with emotion.

Shoplifting is a crime, no question.  Some people steal for the thrill, for power, or out of addiction.  Some people steal out of sheer desperation.  I don’t know that woman I saw today, and can’t tell her story.  Yet I know there are a lot of desperate people out there – not out there in that abstract, someplace, somebody whom I may never see, but out there as in our own communities.  I’ve known many friends and family who have lost much during the last several years, it makes me think often, if I lost everything, how would I feed my kids.  If desperate, would I steal?  Would I justify breaking the law?

I am grateful for the abundance I enjoy.  Grateful I don’t have to compromise my ethics out of desperation.  Today, however, that gratitude seems bittersweet.

Is stealing ever okay?

Hello and Welcome to Raw Vibe

Hello.  Boy, have I struggled learning a new blogging platform – talk about “teaching an old dog!” So I begin with the most simple template and few bells or whistles. I’ve been having a bit of an identity crises and felt that my blogger blog name, Mixed Threads, didn’t really reflect what I like to write most about these days, raw foods. So I went out and got a shiny, new name, Raw Vibe, to call my little corner of the Internet.

Raw, as in raw foods. I really love this way of eating. I’m not exclusively a raw vegan, but I enjoy adding more and more of it into my daily diet. Raw, also as in open, honest, and sometimes unedited.

Vibe, as in vibrant. When I eat this way, I feel vibrant, more energetic, and younger. Vibe, also as in good vibrations (that Beach Boys’ song just launched in my head). I like to read positive, loving, life-affirming stuff from other people and hope to pass along these good vibrations in my writing and images.

Best Walking Partner

For any of you already familiar with Mixed Threads, perhaps I need little introduction. It’s still me, Dominique. Thank you for following me here. For the rest of you all, welcome.

In a nutshell, I am a wife and a mother of two beautiful children, 12yo and 4yo, living in downtown Chicago. I love raising my kids in a big city, although I often dream of having a postage stamp of a backyard. For now, it is a privilege having Chicago’s amazing parks as my big backyard and lake Michigan just out my front door.

I write mostly about my discovery and experiences with raw foods and share some mouth watering recipes along the way. I am like many people who have discovered this healthful way of eating, enthusiastic. If you met me a few years ago I would describe myself as aging fast. Over forty, over weight, sad, lethargic and having chronic pain. Yet, on the other hand, I was celebrating the birth of my second child. Welcoming this little man into my home was a good kick in the pants to stop letting my health slide. Kids are a lot to keep up with, and I was tired of lagging behind.

Since then, many people have crossed my path who have introduced me to raw foods and have inspired me to eat better. I was a cynic when I first heard that people eat this way. Crazy. So extreme. Where’s the research? You’ve got to be kidding me! However, little by little I opened up to hear more. Frankly, how bad could it be to include more fresh fruits and veggies into my diet?

Changing my diet is a process. While I love making and eating raw foods, I fall into old eating habits easily. As a family, we’ve been eating takeout, convenience foods, processed foods, total junk food for so long, it’s been a challenge to clean up our diets. Sometimes it’s such a synch to whip up good food for myself, but oftentimes my husband and kids won’t have anything to do with my garden veggie pate, collard wraps, or green smoothies. While I’d love for my family to share in all I make, I’ve got some fussy eaters to contend with. My goal is to cook more wholesome meals for them to enjoy that will work seamlessly with the raw vegan meals I make for myself. When I accomplish that, I think I’ll have a good story to tell. In the interim, I enjoy the process and I’d like to share it with you.


Chocolate Pudding

I had some young Thai coconuts in the fridge waiting for a purpose, so I whipped up this amazing, raw vegan, chocolate pudding.  After setting aside some for the kids, I added a packet Starbucks Via into the mix (not so raw) and served it up with raspberries.  So decadent.  So rich.  And so stimulating.  I’m still buzzing.

Chocolate Pudding

Serves 6-8
Prep time 15 minutes
Allergy Tree Nuts
Dietary Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Meal type Dessert
Misc Child Friendly, Pre-preparable
From book Everyday Raw
This super easy, decadent, chocolate pudding will surprise your friends when they find out it is raw, vegan, gluten and dairy free. Make extra - it will disappear fast.


  • 2 Young Thai Coconuts
  • 1/2 cup Maple Syrup
  • 1/2 cup Agave
  • 3/4 cups Raw Cocoa Powder
  • 2 tablespoons Coconut Oil
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
  • 1 cup Water


  • 1/2 packet Starbucks Via


Step 1
Crack open the coconuts. Save the water to drink after your next workout. Scoop out the flesh.
Step 2
Put the coconut flesh and all the remaining ingredients into a Vita Mix or other high speed blender.
Step 3
Blend on low speed for a minute before switching to high. Blend until smooth and creamy.
Step 4
Eat with gusto. Share with love.